mardi 30 septembre 2014

VENTE DE LIVRES D’OCCASION lors du Festival Littéraire de Parisot : notre but est dépassé, en route pour 1000 livres !

Nous avons voulu offrir aux festivaliers et à tous ceux qui aiment lire, la possibilité de découvrir et d’acheter des ouvrages sans se ruiner ! Nous avons donc décidé d’ajouter à notre programme officiel une vente de livres d’occasion qui aura lieu les samedi et dimanche du festival.
Pour cela, nous vous avons demandé de donner des livres à l’association Festival Littéraire de Parisot. Alors que nous souhaitions pouvoir vous proposer 500 livres, votre générosité pour le moment nous permettra de vous proposer 700 livres en français et en anglais. Notre nouveau but est d’atteindre 1000 livres !

Ainsi nous allons donner à vous tous l’occasion de flâner, peut-être de découvrir des livres et d’acheter selon votre bon plaisir.
Si vous avez encore quelques livres sur vos rayons que vous pourriez nous donner, veuillez nous contacter par mail ou en téléphonant au

A partir du 1er octobre nous vous contacterons pour organiser la livraison de vos livres à la médiathèque à Parisot.

Tous les livres seront vendus entre 1 et 5 € selon leur état

Pour 5 livres donnés, un bon d’échange vous sera remis.

    Pendant la vente lors du festival, vous pourrez choisir un livre grâce à votre bon d’échange et en acheter d’autres si le cœur vous en dit .

    Nous nous efforçons de vous proposer lors du festival un programme intéressant et varié entièrement gratuit.
Les revenus de la vente de livres apporteront une contribution non négligeable au financement du festival, pour cela nous vous remercions de votre participation. 

    Nous espérons vendre tous les livres qui nous ont été donnés, mais dans le cas où il en resterait, les livres non vendus appartiendront à l’association du Festival Littéraire de Parisot. 

vendredi 26 septembre 2014

Un nouvel ouvrage de Thierry Colombié bientôt en librairie...

A quelques jours près, vous auriez pu le découvrir lors du Festival Littéraire de Parisot, mais ça n'est que partie remise ! 
Thierry Colombié ne manquera certainement pas d'évoquer son prochain ouvrage à paraître le 30 octobre. 
Nous mettrons d'ailleurs très certainement en place des commandes lors de sa conférence.

En attendant, rendez-vous sur le site de l'auteur pour avoir un avant-goût de cette enquête sur l'assassinat du juge Michel :

Et pour d'autres enquêtes, venez écouter ce qu'a à nous révéler Thierry Colombié le samedi 11 octobre à 16h30
La mort du juge Michel
Contre-enquête sur l'assassinat d'un incorruptible

Thierry Colombié,
Editions De La Martinière,
30 octobre 2014

lundi 22 septembre 2014

‘Who killed JFK?’

A D V A N C E   N O T I C E

‘Who killed JFK?’

Clive Ponting OBE, a presenter at our second Festival this October will be coming to the Salle des Fetes in Parisot, on behalf of the Association Littéraire de Parisot, on

Saturday 22nd November
at 7.30 pm

to give what promises to be a riveting talk. Having previously taught the only course at a UK university on the assassination he will now present the very latest evidence, which is both shocking and deeply disturbing, only available in the last few years, including film archive.
He promises that ‘names will be named’.


Entrance free of charge
Donations toward the 2015 Literary Festival gratefully received but not obligatory

vendredi 19 septembre 2014

Writers Abroad – an online writing community with links to Parisot

Writers Abroad is a online community of expat writers all over the world.  Membership is capped at 20 to enable members to get the most out of it and to contribute in a secure, friendly environment.

Members “meet” and communicate online to improve their writing by critiquing each other’s work, sharing writing opportunities and networking.  For the past four years Writers Abroad has published an anthology of writing, the proceeds of which have been donated to charities helping children gain access to books and to reading. 

Not all members are British, although everyone writes in English, covering non-fiction, short stories and novels.  Many of the members are published authors and overall the group has an excellent record of winning or being placed in creative writing competitions. 

Two of the authors appearing at the Festival this year have links with Writers Abroad.

Vanessa Couchman has been a member almost since its inception five years ago. Her short stories and non-fiction pieces have appeared in the four anthologies that Writers Abroad has published.  

Amanda Hodgkinson wrote the foreword to Writers Abroad’s 2013 anthology, Foreign and Far Away. She also features in the online magazine in an interview by Vanessa Couchman, in which she describes her own writing journey and gives advice to budding authors.

You can read this article, and find out more about Writers Abroad, by following this link:

mercredi 17 septembre 2014

SECOND HAND BOOK SALE Target smashed – countdown to 1000!

We wanted to indulge all the book lovers coming to our literary festival as much as possible so in addition to our main programme of authors we decided to run a second hand book sale throughout Saturday and Sunday of the festival.   We want you to be able to browse and buy to your heart’s content.

We put the word out asking for book donations and our initial target was for 500 books.  We have shot past 500 and have already received promises for nearly 700, both English and French, so we have now revised our target upwards to reach 1000.  If you still have any books tucked away on your shelves that you might consider donating please get in touch.   

In case you missed it the first time round here’s how it will work:

 -    Sort through the books you have at home that you no longer wish to keep but that someone else might like to read.
 -    Let us know by email or phone how many books you’d like to donate ( / 05 63 27 75 79).
 -    We will contact you a couple of weeks before the Festival to arrange for you to drop the books off at the library in Parisot. 
 -    Tell everyone you know to follow the points above.

For every five books you donate, you’ll receive a voucher to spend on a book of your choice in the sale. All books will be priced at 1, 2 or 3€ and possibly 5€ for real gems.    Money received from the sale will help us finance the festival, all of which is offered free of charge, (except the dinner with the authors on Saturday evening).  Thank you!

lundi 15 septembre 2014

Poldark Cooks

Anyone who watched TV in the 1970s will remember Poldark, the romantic family saga set in 18th century Cornwall, and its dashing leading character, Ross Poldark, the owner of struggling tin mines who marries his servant Demelza and champions the working classes.  On video this BBC series outsold every costume drama except for the 1995 production of Pride and Prejudice (the Colin Firth in wet shirt emerging from the lake version).
So we are particularly thrilled that this year’s festival will include a session entitled ‘Poldark cooks’ which features Ross Poldark himself, well, Robin Ellis, the actor who played him.  Robin now lives in the Tarn from where he writes a hugely popular food blog - -  and runs cookery courses, with an emphasis on healthy eating.  He will be talking about his life and his cookery and demonstrating a few dishes on the Sunday morning of the festival weekend. 
A remake of Poldark is currently in production, due to broadcast in 2015, 40 years after the original series hit our screens.  Aidan Turner will play the lead role but Robin is also involved, playing Reverend Halse.  Read about his experience being back on set earlier in the year by following this link -
And most of all, come and join us at the festival for Poldark cooks.